Easy Lunch

Home alone? Lazy to cook? Or worse, nothing to cook? I was, yesterday. And because of the freaking hot weather, I didn't wanna go out. It was almost lunch time and I was still wearing my pantulog . So I decided to just order from McDonald's. But since we have no landline and it's costly to call them from a mobile phone, I tried the web way. It was fun and easy! I just went to http://www.mcdelivery.com.ph/ , registered, confirmed my account thru my e-mail then poof! Menu on my screen! But before ordering, this popped out: This is where the fun part comes, you get to create your own avatar. Since I'm no weirdo (only at rare times :P), my avatar was just simple me-ish me. Look! Ok! I know it's really ME-ish. Good thing they had "skin chooser"! Haha! And look at my avatar's eyes, that pair really tells it's me, agree? :P Now, if you're the CRAZIE type (which I will be, probably on my next time), you can choose the out-of-nowhere avatars: Now, back ...