
Showing posts from March, 2010


Classic or commonest signals of a heart attack consists of pressure- like, squeezing, or tightness feeling in the center of the chest that may radiate or move to the left shoulder and arm. In some, it may move to both shoulders and arms, the jaw, or between the shoulder blades in the back. If this is merely an angina warning, the symptom may go away in a few minutes and then return. - HEARTSITE A few nights ago, while finishing some report I took home from work, I felt a pang in my chest. It took just a split second for me to touch it and cried out. I thought it was just what my dad calls "SINTAK" so I just ignored it. But after a few minutes, it happened again. and again. AND AGAIN. The fourth time was the longest, about 3 to 4 seconds of that electric ...
Love has definitely come into my life this past 2 years. I never thought it would. Before, I was often wondering how come every one has his/her own better half except for me. This might sound a little depressing but I used to pray to God and wish to have my own somebody. But don't get me wrong, I'm not the kind who rush into some guy just to desperately be with him. I'm the hopeless romantic type who read Nicholas Sparks, and used to watch romantic flicks and imagine herself as the leading lady. (haha!) Well, part of my love search are friends whom you practically talk to and exchange messages with EVERY SINGLE DAY! Some are met through common friends while some just popped out from somewhere then hey, we're friends already! (& I realized that i'm not really THAT snob like some people think.haha!Wait 'til I get back on you, people. JK!) About 3 years ago, one of those people I've met officially became some ONE. A few more months, he's ...

back to the techy-online life

It's been long since I've posted my last blog. I was using the one at Friendster then.. Tweeting, however, made me miss those blogging addiction I used to have. And now that I have this new spot, I think I'm back to being me again. haha! To start off, here's one of the few "impromptu" poems I've posted years ago, one dedicated to my mameh when she was still working abroad. :) MOM six hUndRed ninEty niNe days fEeL likE decades beEn lOnGing fOr yOu fOr tHe past siXty biLLiOn sEcOnds i wAnt yOu nEaR, i wAnt yOu heRe my bEstfRiEnd, my heRoine bUt tHe lOng wAit’s aLmOSt ovEr my hEaRt is gRowing fOnder thRiLLed and exCited tHe days hAve bEen cOunted a fEw mOre sUndays and yOu’re hOme…