back to the techy-online life

It's been long since I've posted my last blog. I was using the one at Friendster then.. Tweeting, however, made me miss those blogging addiction I used to have. And now that I have this new spot, I think I'm back to being me again. haha!

To start off, here's one of the few "impromptu" poems I've posted years ago, one dedicated to my mameh when she was still working abroad. :)


six hUndRed ninEty niNe days fEeL likE decades

beEn lOnGing fOr yOu fOr tHe past siXty biLLiOn sEcOnds

i wAnt yOu nEaR, i wAnt yOu heRe

my bEstfRiEnd, my heRoine

bUt tHe lOng wAit’s aLmOSt ovEr

my hEaRt is gRowing fOnder

thRiLLed and exCited

tHe days hAve bEen cOunted

a fEw mOre sUndays

and yOu’re hOme…


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