Classic or commonest signals of a heart attack consists of pressure- like, squeezing, or tightness feeling in the center of the chest that may radiate or move to the left shoulder and arm. In some, it may move to both shoulders and arms, the jaw, or between the shoulder blades in the back. If this is merely an angina warning, the symptom may go away in a few minutes and then return. - HEARTSITE

A few nights ago, while finishing some report I took home from work, I felt a pang in my chest. It took just a split second for me to touch it and cried out. I thought it was just what my dad calls "SINTAK" so I just ignored it. But after a few minutes, it happened again. and again. AND AGAIN. The fourth time was the longest, about 3 to 4 seconds of that electric shock that started below my left breast to the upper part of where my heart is (I think). I saw myself crumpling my shirt and holding my chest as if I was trying to hold my heart, teary-eyed. My left arm felt so tired as if I carried something very heavy. I took my medicine then, and went to the bedroom. I've never been that scared of going to sleep since I was a kid. Back then, I was just afraid of having bad dreams, but after what happened, the thought of having an attack during sleep and not be able to wake up again gave me shivers. The days after, I tried not to think about THIS. I don't want to end up as THE SICK ONE but I am trying to live as if I'm a normal person who just needs anti-oxidants: I drink coffee again though the number of cups a day was reduced to just ONE. Chocolates are heavenly but I'm doing my best not to indulge. Soft drinks are BANNED (sometimes some slip :D)

MITRAL VALVE PROLAPSE. When I had a check up and found out about it, the doctor seemed to make it a NO-BIG-DEAL HEART COMPLICATION so I took it as a simple condition that I can avoid through a CAFFEINE-LESS and STRESS-LESS LIFESTYLE. But after weeks of having these palpitations and attacks, and hearing same experiences from other people, should I really be at ease? I know very little of this condition, just a few researches through the web help me understand it a bit more. I hope you, guys, can help me learn more about this and get through this.

If you see me indulging myself with caffeine, you know what to do. Thanks to my friends who already make me avoid coffee and chocolates. I am owing you my life. :)



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