11 Random Thoughts and Facts about 11.11.11

November 11, 2011 - A date (I'm dang sure) everybody is so talking about. So as to have my own share of this seasonal topic, I've listed 11 random thoughts and facts about this date.

1. (Behold! This might sound like one of those petty chain messages you receive from your not-so-close friends who text you only whenever they think they'd get whatever wish they have once they followed the chain message rules.)
      November 11, 2011 = 11.11.11. A date with this format happens only every century. So obviously, the last time people were able to write a date like this was way back 1911 and will be written again after a hundred years, 2111. (Consider yourselves lucky for this is a rare happening. Write your 11 wishes in the comment section then share this post to 11 of your friends' Facebook walls to make your wishes come true. Do not break the chain for 11 unhappy things might happen to 11 of your neighbors' pets!)

2. At this date, 11.11.11 will happen thrice (yeah, all at the same day!) How? Think about it. Hmmmmm.. Not yet? Oh, c'mon! Figure it out!

3. On the serious side, US celebrates Veterans' Day on this date. Let's salute all those grandpas who had served the army! Happy Veterans' Day to all of you!

4. 11.11.11 also marks the premiere of the movie IMMORTALS (I've seen the trailer. Man, I'd like to see this movie!)

5. For the numerologist-type of people, I think this date is believed to be a lucky day (Please refer to #1 for academic/semi-scientific explanation. LOL!)

6. For the numerologist-slash-hopeless-romantic-type of people, this date is perfect for a wedding date, or to finally say "YES" to that suitor you have for long or probably just last week. Why? Because the digits in this date (11.11.2011) sums up to 8 (ok, how come? here: 1+1+1+1+2+0+1+1=8, getsung?) which is believed to be a good number. For when you scribble a number 8, there is no end (dulo in Tagalog, hello?!). And that's what everybody wants in a relationship, right? To not end. :)

7. At this date, the church also celebrates St.Martin's Day or Feast of Saint Martin. So if you have friends named Martin, it's probably their birthday this day. (But this doesn't go for my brother Cloyd Martin, ok? Hehe!)

8. This date 93 years ago marked the end of World War I.

9. All you travelers, Zest Air is having an P11.00 seat-sale at 11.11.11. Yep, ONSE PESOS. Click here for details. (Oh my, instant advertisement! Haha!)

10. I've just found out from a trending topic in Twitter (follow me please ^^) that Nov. 11, 2011 is a "HAPPY PEPERO DAY" which is said to be similar to Valentine's day, only instead of flowers, you give your special someone a Pepero (a cookie stick that you dip in a chocolate syrup). Well, this day is celebrated mostly (or probably only) by Koreans. Have you seen Peperos in the Philippine market? I only know Yan-Yan (Happy Yan-Yan Day, Pinoy lovers! Haha!)

11. Like any other day, this November 11, 2011 is plainly just another day of the sun shining and the moon rising. It's only the format of the date that makes difference, right? But for the sake of this rare date, we all should make this day a very memorable one like how we're supposed to every single day of our lives. As they always say we should do, "Live life to the fullest."

However you want to call this day or whatever you believe this day would bring you, I hope everyone gets to have a history-worthy share of November 11, 2011.


  1. ayos ah! siguro sweswertihin din ako ngayong araw na to pokebuddy!

    nakakatakam naman yung pepero haha

  2. aja! namnamin ang swerte, nai-share mo na ba etong post ko? hahah! JK! :)

    yan-yan na lang tirahin mo, baka ganun din ang lasa :D


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