Kudos to the Superwoman Who Saved My Life

Do you know this woman?

She is Dra. Fe del Mundo, a world-renowned pediatrician, a National Scientist of the Philippines, and my savior. I just heard of the news that she passed away yesterday. I don't know much about her but one thing, she saved me.

As I child, I was very sickly due to asthma. I can still remember the days when I had to tell the teacher I had to go home because I couldn't breathe, the times when I was coughing like a barking dog non-stop, the nights when my mom and dad had to stay up because of my condition. I was a normal kid. I used to play all day, run around with dripping sweat, eat ice candies & sweets and do other tiring kids' stuff. But unlike my playmates, I used to go home with difficulty in breathing, with fever, flu or cough, and I always had my favorite handy tool with me, the inhaler.

One time, when I was in 4th grade, my mom and dad took me to the hospital. Well, a far one. I can't remember them telling me that we have to travel far ONLY for my check up. I thought we were just going to a mall but had to visit the doctor very very quickly. That was the day I met Dra. Fe. I was so young then, and thought the doctor's too old. I can still remember how she checked me up. Like any other doctors, she pressed the cold stethoscope on my chest and back. She told me to inhale, then exhale. I was asked to lie down and this is one instance I really really can't forget, when she tapped my body, from chest to abdomen, and also my back, with her two fingers. I didn't exactly know what's that for but I liked it. After that check up, maybe we really went to a mall or somewhere else because I can't remember having a bad time that day. Usually, after going to the doctor, I feel either sad, worried or tired. But that day was different, I thought I was healed ALREADY, all because of that two-finger tap thing.

The days following my check up, I remember having to take up different kind of medicines: powdered ones, tablets, capsules, liquid. I was young so I had difficulty in taking those tablets and capsules. With the liquid ones, I had to hold my breath until it was all in my throat. And the bitter powdered ones, I hate them the most. It's not the type that you have to dissolve in water or juice, you have to take them as is. But because my dad took pity on me, he let me take it with condensed milk. I don't know if it was really ok, but what can I do? I won't take it just like that, or else I might have puked. And I'm not talking about 7-day medication but 6 months! 6 months, I say! I only knew about this today. It didn't occur to me that I was taking all sorts of drugs for that long, only until today. Maybe because taking those drugs became like a routine thing to me.

When the news flash about Dra. Fe came in, I immediately told mom and dad and asked why I was really taken to that doctor. And today, just today, did I learn that I was taken there due to primary complex. Sad but true. All along, I thought it was just because of simple cough and asthma. And if not because of her, I could have died of tubercolosis at a young age. And now I understand why they can't tell me whenever I ask them the same question before.

So, today, I'm praying for a good soul who saved thousands of other souls. I am sure she'll be with the Father up there. To Dra. Fe, whatever you have achieved here on earth, you deserve them all, with a million thank you's and never-ending gratitude from all of us, your patients. I hope I can change lives like you did and will strive to achieve that. You're an inspiration. Rest in peace.

November 27, 1911 - August 6, 2011


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