30-day November Project

Halloween, indeed. My blog site is very much in season, filled with cobwebs and dust but no recent post. I'm not busy, not even uninspired. A lot of things happened to me here already, happy things. I've got so much to share but decided to not share them..yet. But if I continue what I've decided on, this site might drown in more cobwebs and might even be forgotten its existence (not that many really look up for this site and read all my posts hehe!). On that note, I've decided to create a 30-day project. This one's more like of a personal motivator for me to be more inspired and to look for a lot more things. I'm open to critics so feel free to post your comments on each of my posts, but no SPAM please.

Already have something for my Day 1, in time for Halloween (at least, I think it is.) Later! ;)


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