DABDA then HOPE 11.07-08.11

Some relationships last while some don't. But not every lasting relationship goes on smoothly. Most couples (in fact, all) go through a lot: the best of the bests and the worst of all worsts. OK, I am definitely not giving some expert love advise because I, for a fact, am not an expert nor a love guru. Yes, we give advises to friends and family and we can give the most of it for love problems. But think it over, guys, no one can solve those issues but ourselves, right? Through struggling, contemplating and composing ourselves, we learn and mature. But getting over being heartbroken is not an overnight nor a couple-of-weeks thing. It's a continuous process that we go through for long. For sure, you've heard of DABDA, right? Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance. Indeed, these are the stages that we go through, maybe not just once, not even in that particular order but the bottom line is still acceptance. Without having this as the last stage, we definitely can not move on.

How about moving on AND continue hoping? Possible. It's just a matter of fate and faith. I'd rather not elaborate but let me leave you with this:
If you want something to happen, think of its pros and cons. At the same time, you have to think about your happiness. If it's what you really want and you know you'll be happy without getting into any trouble, go for it. But remember to always pray, have faith and make a way.

HOLD ON - Michael Buble

Hey, YOU! Thanks for introducing me to this song. :)


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