emoterang palaka 11.04.11

The female species, particularly of the human kind, are the most beautiful of all creatures. Not because I belong to their kingdom, but because even if I were born male, I would even more see such fact and probably state the same.

Strong yet tender, powerful yet submissive, popular yet rare.
They say, "Behind every successful man is a woman." True. But may I just also say this: "Behind every woman's teardrop is a f*cking @$$#0|3!!!" Of course, we cannot generalize such statement. One point could be that women, in general, seem to have mood-swings or in a PMS period for most of the time. Not that we have bipolar syndrome or anything, but women have these emotional needs that they (ok, we) cannot directly ask from you, MEN. Women want things from men but won't say what. Instead, they tell the opposite or when asked, won't utter any decent reply. Yes, that's another reason why they say women drive men crazy (aside from the physical and inner beauties.hehe!). But admit it, guys, you say you can't stand us yet you stay. In that case, it's love, and every woman who experience such is thankful and feels lucky and blessed. You probably don't know that women actually pray and give thanks to Him, up there, for sending a good man to each one of them. How about the others? Yes, the ones who get to realize the pain and bitterness of the @$$#0|3-ishness of men, how about us, este, them, pala? We still pray and give thanks to Him, for making us realize that we don't deserve the wrong kind and for giving us time to find better ones.

For men who are thinking of starting another fight with, or worse, leaving their partners for the petty reason of little or no understanding (at all) of women's dilemmas, puzzles and FAQs, you're NO MEN at all, for a man can carry his balls with his spines and would graciously stand up for what he says even if his balls are already beaten.

(I'm actually listening to A THOUSAND YEARS by Christina Perri while writing this)


  1. so true Mama....way to go! :) nice article..oh, do you call this an article? or a blog? or what?..whatever it is..it's great...keep it up... kayong mga lalaki, umayos kayo ha!!..lol

  2. Ahahaha.. Nice post ate Reena.. We do have mood swings but we are indeed exceptional creatures.. :)

  3. femme fatale! :D thanks, "anonymous" (who I suppose is Mira) and Zen! :)


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