buninay day-by-day DAY 1

It's the weekend! Literally the END of the week for me, for week starts on Sundays here in the UAE. I had a productive day. Got up at 8:30, had breakfast. I didn't clean the house much today as I've already done the mopping and sweeping yesterday. We don't really produce much dirt in the house, except for those hair strands that come off mostly from my head! :P Then, I pressed my clothes, all of those I wear to the office. I figured it would give me some spare time to do my hair in the morning since I usually just pick out my clothes when I get up and have it prepared at the same time, leaving me rushing to the elevator, holding the comb while pressing the down button. Yes, pressing clothes was tiring. When I was down on my last pair of trousers, I felt that hot strike at the right portion of my back, just below my shoulder. But after a few stretching, t'was gone. Thank goodness! I forgot what time I started but it lasted at around 3 o'clock.

I realized I haven't had my shower since morning. And having it right after that particular chore is a big no-no! So I rested for about half an hour. And with resting I meant texting through Chikka, re-reading all those attention-catchers in Facebook news feed, and looking up at Boracay promos. After about half an hour, I took a shower. I forgot to mention that I've been listening to RX 93.1 all day, from my waking up and to my going to the shower even. (Thanks to that internet radio Android app Leo downloaded for me.) Right after I've brushed, the radio stopped, I thought I lost the wi-fi signal again, but then it rang. I already knew it was Leo. T'was around 4 o'clock, he just woke up. He's on a night shift so it's understandable and of course, a-must! :)

We had a long night last night, by the way. We video chatted (it's an everyday-every night routine). And like the other week, we watched a movie and played scrabble. We actually picked out 3 movies because the last time we were able to watch all 3. But last night, we only got to watch 1 because we started late. He had to do some errands before that, aside from the fact the he got up late also. Which movies did we list out? Hugo; Like Crazy; and Jesus Henry Christ. We kept asking each other which should we watch first. I was actually fine with anything. In the end,he picked "Like Crazy" for ME since, as he said it, I'm so inlababu. And just like how we start each movie, we had to count to 3 so that we'd start it at the same time. The movie is of course a love story, it's a bit serious and, like always, I got carried away. But why on earth, was Leo being so silly? During those serious-conversation scenes, he was either making faces or hand-dancing, he even took a picture of me! How about that for concentration? So I had to make him stop, and make that angry face as if I was talking to a kid. But I must say I did enjoy the movie and his make-faces did make me laugh (he never fails!). So right after the movie, we decided to not watch the other 2 anymore, since it was already late and he still had to do his laundry (yep! on wee hours!). We just played scrabble instead, and just like the last time, I won! But in fairness to him, he did better this time. I even had doubts that I'd win. After that, we said our goodnight's and I went to bed and he then did his laundry.

And so when I picked up his call this afternoon, I told him I was just finishing off, as he asked me to get online right away. So I did. Unlike the usual days, this time we started early because also starting today, he has to leave early for work, still on night shift, yes.  As usual, I had a pile of stories to tell. Like today, I told him about our vacation plan I am so excited for, about the texts my mom sent me today (which I find nakakaasar but for him seem funny), and about my waking up early starting tomorrow so I can prepare early and then we'd still have enough Skype time before I leave for work. At 4:30, he reminded me that he had to get started, eat and shower. Past 5:00 he went back online. He did quicken his moves, like I've asked him to. And there went my stories again. We never run out of something to talk about, thanks to my makwento skills and his ever-patient ears! At 5:30 he had to leave. *sigh*

And now, here I am, burping from our dinner, typing these words and thinking if I'd be able to tell about my day again tomorrow. I hope I could. For now, I had to get to bed early, another work week is about to start tomorrow. End of the week, end of the weekend.



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